Year: 2021

Cooperatives & Cooperators Can’t Be Left Behind In The Digital Technology Advancement – Victor Oyegoke

In its 5th year running, the Cooperative Support Services (CoopSupport) Ltd presents the 5th edition of her flagship tech program organized annually, focusing on Cooperatives’ cum Cooperators’ Business Growth and Development. The theme for the 2021 event is titled “Disruptive Digital Transformation Strategies for Cooperative Sustainability” alongside some topical discussion from a Keynote Speaker and Panel of Digital Transformation Strategists, Cooperative Experts, Digital Marketing Gurus, Tech Experts and Enterprise Startups Strategists.

Mr. Victor Oyegoke

In a recent interview with Mr. Victor Oyegoke, the Principal Consultant/CEO of CoopSupport, where he was asked why the annual event has not stopped despite not getting corporate sponsors.  He said, “my believe, passion and zeal in cooperative enterprise as a business model, comfortable for the people at bottom of the pyramid and it’s convenience for the middle class form my resolution to continually ensure the program is organized and as well, continue to Promote, Develop and ensure Cooperative Sustainability which led to the creation of our organization – Cooperative Support Services Ltd known as CoopSupport in the first place. So corporate sponsors or not, we move! Financial gains has never been our drive or motive of organizing all of our events, the value addition we are making I guess, is the main reason we have continued to push further ensuring the impact we are making in the sector today. One Coop at a Time!

He further reiterated that, the success of past events within the last five years coupled with the quality of their programs and consistency must have been a factor that garnered so much momentum to make the annual Digital Masterclass & Symposium become the sort after program to attend annually by Cooperators in Nigeria”.

Mr. Oyegoke, concluded that “Cooperatives & Cooperators can’t be left behind in the digital technology advancement being made in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoTs), Robotics, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Information Technology (IT), Data Science, Cloud & Blockchain Technology and Digital Marketing etc. as it relates to Cooperative operations and management. You will agree with me that through technology the whole wide world has now become a global village that within a twinkle of an eye information passes us by and creative innovations are being made daily, leading to businesses becoming more competitive in respect to how disruptive digital transformation strategies are impacting businesses.

As we can see, Data and Digital Transformation are driving paradigm shift in the way businesses are being operated globally. Therefore, Cooperative Business Model is not exceptional, we must leverage on technologies for the sustainability of our growth and development.

Participants at this year’s event won’t only benefit from enhanced capacity on Digital Platforms and other Technologies for  Cooperative Business Growth and Development but also gain more informed knowledge with new perspective and new frontiers on the shift in technology as it affects the future of cooperative ecosystems in Nigeria.

The event would be coming up on Thursday, the 29th Day of April, 2021 by 9am at NECA, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

2021 Annual Digital Masterclass & Symposium for Cooperative Stakeholders in Nigeria – CLICK TO REGISTER

Please Note: We are abiding by the Lagos State COVID-19 Protocols and Guidelines regarding events like this, so participants are limited to Fifty (50) people only. Therefore, registration shall be on first come, first serve. We shall ensure every one maintain the required distancing and have a nose mask and hand sanitizer to themselves provided by us at the event, perhaps you didn’t come with yours. Thanks!

If you are interested in the event kindly, register here to Attend Or Call/WhatsApp 08033949706 for more details. Thanks!